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There are 10 questions in this Quiz

The natural beauty of West Virginia is something special. How much do you know about the state’s plants, animals and geographic features?

  1. What West Virginia tree was reported to be the largest White Oak in the world until it was cut in the fall of 1938?
    1. The Great Oak of Greenbrier
    2. The Hardy Oak
    3. The Mingo Oak
    4. The Onego Oak
  2. Which one of these West Virginia mammals is NOT protected by the federal Endangered Species Act?
    1. Indiana bat
    2. Northern flying squirrel
    3. Northern water shrew
    4. Virginia big eared bat
  3. Kates Mountain in Greenbrier County is known for which one of the following?
    1. Exceptionally large mountain goats
    2. Rare type of clover
    3. Trees commonly found in the Arctic
    4. West Virginia's only known glacier
  4. Which one of the following holds the current record for the state's tallest tree?
    1. Red oak
    2. Sycamore
    3. Yellow buckeye
    4. Yellow poplar
  5. What is the only national forest that lies entirely within the boundaries of West Virginia?
    1. Allegheny National Forest
    2. George Washington National Forest
    3. Jefferson National Forest
    4. Monongahela National Forest
  6. What is the official West Virginia state insect?
    1. dragonfly
    2. ant
    3. monarch butterfly
    4. honeybee
  7. What is the largest snake found in the wild in West Virginia?
    1. Black rat snake
    2. Copperhead
    3. Rattlesnake
    4. Ringneck snake
  8. What is the only type of trout native to West Virginia?
    1. Brook trout
    2. Brown trout
    3. Dolly Varden trout
    4. Rainbow trout
  9. What is Elkinsia polymorpha?
    1. A folk legend about the ghost like apparition of U.S. Senator Stephen B. Elkins
    2. A nocturnal marsupial found only in Randolph County
    3. A rare muscular degenerative disease first discovered in Elkins
    4. The oldest seed bearing plant in North America
  10. What is the official West Virginia state flower?
    1. dogwood
    2. Joe Pye weed
    3. redbud
    4. great rhododendron